Reasons to Install a Nudge Bar on Your Car


Installing a nudge bar should be one of the first things you do when you get a car in Australia. It’s one of those essential pieces of equipment that can work wonders for your vehicle, even if you might feel uncertain at first. They offer a lot of protection to your car, but that’s only one of several benefits of installing one. They’re similar to rear bars and are useful for every situation, not only off-road. Here are a few benefits why you should consider installing one on your vehicle:

 Protection from Collision

 There is always the possibility of animal collision when you’re driving in Australia. Not that the roads are unsafe on their own, or anything like that, but encountering a large animal is a real possibility. Instead of dreading the moment when you encounter such a large animal, having a nudge bar means you’ll be significantly protected from pretty much all collisions with animals. They work by throwing the animal behind the car, instead of trampling it, thus protecting not only you but also the animal. They’re also configured to work with the vehicle’s airbags, meaning you’ll always be significantly protected. This is often the biggest reason why people install nudge bars for cars because they’re hugely important when it comes to collision safety.

nudge bar

 General Protection

 While the roads of Australia are as safe as they come, as we said before, that doesn’t mean that when you’re driving off-road you can count on that same safety. The outback can be a hazardous place, if not or anything, due to the terrain and random bits of debris that can be found pretty much everywhere. These tiny pieces of debris can be easily caught by the vehicle and jammed into places you really wouldn’t want to, such as the engine bay. That could cause a lot of issues that might be potentially really difficult to not only find, but also fix. With nudge bars, you pretty much circumvent the entire issue right away and allow yourself to drive the vehicle wherever you want at all times.

 Reduces Serious Damage

 In most accidents when your vehicle would have to endure any damage, chances are the vehicle is going to be significantly damaged. That’s caused by a lot of factors, but most likely because most cars are designed to take the brunt of the damage so as to prevent any harm happening to its occupants. When you have a front nudge bar installed, it’s in charge of preventing any serious damage happening to not only the vehicle but also you. So you can always count on it to prevent harm happening to you and the vehicle when you’ve been unfortunate to suffer through an accident.

 Safety System Integration

nudge bar

 With advancements in technology, you can always count on smart systems engaging with one another. Instead of praying that these sorts of nudge bars help out in random situations on their own, they actually interact with the vehicle’s safety systems. They’re designed to be a sort of smart device that connects with the car’s airbags in some situations. When it senses that serious damage happens to the nudge bar, it activates the car’s airbags to even further ensure that nothing happens to you. That’s a great addition to the whole safety aspect of nudge bars because they offer much more than mere physical protection against collision and debris. You’ll definitely be glad you have it installed if you’re particularly concerned with car safety.


 A big part of why we get cars is because we want to accentuate our personality. Different cars offer different looks and designs which we then customise to our specific tastes. Things such as taste are always completely subjective, but one thing that can be said as objective is that nudge bars have amazing aesthetics in general for most people. So if you were looking for something that’s going to add an extra later of aesthetics to your vehicle, look no further than nudge bars. You could even consider it as the ultimate add-on because it not only protects your car but also looks great.

 Mounting Accessories

nudge bar

 One of the best things you can do with nudge bars is use them as a platform to install even more amazing accessories. They’re not only useful for those concerned with safety, but also for enthusiasts that want to bring out their vehicle’s full capabilities in terms of functionality. Being fully functional should be a priority for all drivers, which is why you can install things such as a winch, driving lights, antennae, and a lot of different accessories that you might not even be aware of. Bull bars are highly customisable, so you’ll pretty much never need more slots for installing add-on on your vehicle.

 Difference between Bull Bar and Nudge Bar

 A lot of people tend to confuse bull bars and nudge bars when in reality they’re quite different. Nudge bars are considered the most popular add-on that adds extra protection and aesthetics to the vehicle and is typically made out of lightweight materials. Bull bars, on the other hand, offer an even further level of protection because they’re meant to protect against hard and difficult collisions, and are most typically used in situations when you need something sturdy to protect you against hard terrain. While both offer similar things, bull bars are larger, sturdier, and take over the full front side of the car. Nudge bars are lighter, offer good protection, and are very rarely the dominant piece of the very front side of the car. You can’t go wrong with either one, but unless you’re looking for a lot of protection on the front, you should be quite content with the nudge bar.

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