What to Look for When Buying Power Generators

If it’s your first time buying a generator, then getting familiar and looking for advice online is the right first step. With the many different types of power generators available nowadays, and all the weird specifications on them, buying the right one can be somewhat tricky if you don’t know what to look for. So for the sake of keeping things short and simple, here are the most important factors to consider when you start looking for power generators for sale.


Power Output

This is the most obvious aspect to consider when looking for power generators for sale. In order to get a generator that can output sufficient enough power for your needs, you need to determine your requirements. You can do that by taking the equipment you’ll be using most frequently and add their power requirements together. Something to keep in mind is that you realistically won’t have 10 different devices plugged in at once, so you should determine the number by coming up with a realistic combination of devices. Once you get a number, it’s suggested that you add another 500 to 1000 watts to the figure, for safety reasons. Not only does this allow you to go overboard a bit, but you can also confidently use devices that have a higher start-up requirement, like grinders, without overloading the generator.


Generator Engine

Besides the overall power output of the engine, the quality of its build is also very important, especially if you’re going to be using it frequently for professional work. Working remotely with a generator that’s unreliable can be extremely frustrating, seeing that it may be the only source of power you have. That being said, it’s always recommended that you invest in an engine made from a reputable brand like Thornado, Honda, Hyundai, Ford, Yanmar, etc.


Running Time

Contrary to popular belief, the tank size does not determine the overall run time of the generator. Instead, it’s a combination of the maximum power output of the engine and the tank size. If the generator has a high energy output, it will eat through the gas much faster. That being said, the most powerful generators usually have lower running times. So make a proper assessment and balance the power of the generator with the required run time.


Having a powerful generator that can run for a long time is great, but it’s useless if it doesn’t have the right type and number of sockets. You’ll come across generators with many different combinations and number of sockets. Moreover, if you’re using the sockets at your home, 230V sockets can be fine, but if you’re working on-site, you should look for 110V sockets in order to comply with the safety and health standards.

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